Love, Joy, Peace...
Our Beliefs
The following three quotes encapsulate what Anglicanism has always believed and taught regarding the Christian faith.
“Moreover, in the Catholic Church itself, all possible care must be taken, that we hold that faith which has been believed everywhere, always, by all.”
- St. Vincent of Lerins, d. cir. 445.
“One canon reduced to writing by God himself, two testaments, three creeds, four general councils, five centuries, and the series of Fathers in that period – the centuries that is, before Constantine, and two after, determine the boundary of our faith.”
- Bp. Lancelot Andrewes, 1555-1626.
“The Anglican Communion has no peculiar thought, practice, creed or confession of its own. It has only the Catholic Faith of the ancient Catholic Church, as preserved in the Catholic Creeds and maintained in the Catholic and Apostolic constitution of Christ’s Church from the beginning.”
- Abp. Geoffrey Fisher, 1887-1972.


All Saints Anglican Church is a local parish (i.e. church) in San Antonio, TX. Our parish is led by our rector (i.e. senior pastor), The Venerable Isaac Rehberg.


All Saints Anglican Church, along with other parishes, is connected to a diocese (i.e. network of parishes, usually regional), which is led by a bishop (i.e. the pastor of all the parish pastors). Our diocese, Anglican Diocese Of All Nations (ADOAN), is led by our bishop, The Right Reverend Dr. Felix Orji.


But wait: there's more! Anglican Diocese Of All Nations (ADOAN), along with other dioceses, is connected to a province (i.e. a network of dioceses, usually national), which is led by an archbishop (i.e. the pastor of all the diocesan bishops). Our province, Anglican Church Of North American (ACNA), is led by our archbishop, The Most Reverend Stephen D. Wood.


Last but not least: Anglican Diocese Of North America (ACNA), along with other provinces, is connected to a global federation (i.e. just one of several ways to organize). Our federation, Global Anglican Future CONference (GAFCON), is led by our chairman, The Most Reverend Dr. Laurent Mbanda (province of the Anglican Church Of Rwanda).

Classical Anglicanism

As classical Anglicans, we subscribe to our traditional Formularies because we believe they are in conformity to Scripture:

  • The Book of Common Prayer, locally adapted in conformity to the standards set by the 1662 edition.
  • The 39 Articles of Religion, locally adapted in conformity to the standards set in 1563. 
  • The Ordinal, locally adapted in conformity to the standards set in 1549.

National Anglicanism

As national Anglicans (ACNA), we affirm the Fundamental Declarations Of The Province as found in the 2019 Book Of Common Prayer:

  1. We confess the canonical books of the Old and New Testaments to be the inspired Word of God, containing all things necessary for salvation, and to be the final authority and unchangeable standard for Christian faith and life.
  2. We confess Baptism and the Supper of the Lord to be Sacraments ordained by Christ Himself in the Gospel, and thus to be ministered with unfailing use of His words of institution and of the elements ordained by Him.
  3. We confess the godly historic Episcopate as an inherent part of the apostolic faith and practice, and therefore as integral to the fullness and unity of the Body of Christ.
  4. We confess as proved by most certain warrants of Holy Scripture the historic faith of the undivided church as declared in the three Catholic Creeds: the Apostles’, the Nicene, and the Athanasian.
  5. Concerning the seven Councils of the undivided Church, we affirm the teaching of the first four Councils and the Christological clarifications of the fifth, sixth and seventh Councils, in so far as they are agreeable to the Holy Scriptures.
  6. We receive The Book of Common Prayer as set forth by the Church of England in 1662, together with the Ordinal attached to the same, as a standard for Anglican doctrine and discipline, and, with the Books which preceded it, as the standard for the Anglican tradition of worship.
  7. We receive the Thirty-Nine Articles of Religion of 1571, taken in their literal and grammatical sense, as expressing the Anglican response to certain doctrinal issues controverted at that time, and as expressing fundamental principles of authentic Anglican belief.

Global Anglicanism

As global Anglicans, we uphold the "faith which was once delivered unto the saints" (Jude 3, KJV) by believing in (what is often termed the Chicago-Lambeth Quadrilateral):

  • The Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, as "containing all things necessary to salvation," and as being the rule and ultimate standard of faith.
  • The Apostles' Creed, as the Baptismal Symbol; and the Nicene Creed, as the sufficient statement of the Christian faith.
  • The two Sacraments ordained by Christ Himself-Baptism and the Supper of the Lord-ministered with unfailing use of Christ's words of Institution, and of the elements ordained by Him.
  • The Historic Episcopate, locally adapted in the methods of its administration to the varying needs of the nations and peoples called of God into the Unity of His Church.


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San Antonio, TX 78213

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